Concept for Valiant Knight
Some background: Shaubya is the capital of the island of Forbilea on the western continent of Elvetar.
For unknown reasons, the concentration of arcane magic is unusually intense on this island, whose terrirory is also particularly affected by the effects of the chaos that spread during the second war between the gods, which devastated the World for 20 years.
The first archmage and his disciples built this city to protect their people, pure-bred Awèlar (high elves), dedicated to the study and development of the arcane arts.
The city takes the form of a floating, heptahedron-shaped island, protected by a powerful magic field.
Thanks to magic, gravity in the lower part of the city is reversed, which astounds the (rare) outsider visitors, who suddenly find themselves with earth instead of sky.
The city applies a policy of strict isolation and foreigners are only allowed to enter and stay there under the recommendation of a resident of proven prestige, and under his or her responsibility.
It is accessed via teleportation plates placed in various parts of the island.
Residents who are guilty of any crime (usually political or academic) are sentenced to exile, and often remain living in small enclaves on the island, hoping to be readmitted to the city.
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